

原 健之(白百合女子大学大学院)

The purposes of present study were to develop the Japanese version of work-family enrichment scale (WFES) and to examine psychological process of work-family enrichment (WFE). In Study 1,it was translated original WFES into Japanese and verified its reliability and validity. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the Japanese version of WFES 6-factors model was the same as original WFES. Regarding the reliability and validity,the Japanese version of WFES had good internal consistency and adequate validity. In Study 2,psychological process of WFE verified the relationship between social support (work support,family support) and WFE,and the relationship between WFE and quality of life (work performance,family performance,positive affect). Results suggested that work support affected experience work-to-family enrichment and work-to-family enrichment affected experience family performance and positive affect. They also suggested that family support affected experience family-towork enrichment and family-to-work enrichment affected experience only work performance. Thus,WFE suggested to the function as mediator between social support and performance,positive affect. In addition to these results,gender difference confirmed.

キーワード : ワーク・ファミリー・エンリッチメント, パフォーマンス, ポジティブ感情, ソーシャルサポート, COR理論
