
安全行動における職業的自尊心の役割: 計画行動理論を用いた職業的自尊心―安全行動意思モデルの開発

大谷 華(立教大学)

芳賀 繁(立教大学)

Most workers are asked for high quality performance on time while concurrently carrying out their job in a safe manner. To search for a solution of this conflict situation,we introduced the concept of occupational pride to construct a hypothetical model employing the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen,1991). After factor analysis of conducted surveys with factory workers,two factors were extracted from work motivation: workmanship-innovation (WI) and schedule-adherence (SA). Additionally,two factors were extracted from the safety attitude: safety depending on one’s own actions (SOA) and safety depending on the system (SS). Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling showed the following: (1) occupational pride facilitated the SOA attitude both directly and indirectly with mediations by enhanced WI motivation and by reduced SA motivation,and (2) the SOA attitude facilitated safety intention directly and indirectly with mediation by perceived behavioral control. The implication is that occupational pride would restrain unsafe behavior intention.

キーワード : 安全行動, 職業的自尊心, 計画行動理論
