

王 瑋(広島大学)

坂田 桐子(広島大学)

清水 裕士(関西学院大学)

We tested the relationship between transformational leadership and stress responses by using a twodimensional stressor framework. Results of a cross-sectional questionnaire (N = 318) showed that transformational leadership had a direct negative effect on stress responses. Meanwhile,transformational leadership had a positive relationship with challenge stressors,and a negative relationship with hindrance stressors. The positive relationship with challenge stressors had a positive effect on promoting work satisfaction,and gave meaning to the work of followers,however it also had a positive relationship with stress responses,which is a point that is usually ignored.

キーワード : 変革型リーダーシップ, チャレンジストレッサー, ヒンドランスストレッサー, ストレス反応
