

久保 真人(同志社大学)

Job stress and organizational characteristics among care workers with qualification of “Kaigofukushi-shi” was investigated. The study included a sample of 5716 care workers, 627 full-time “Kaigofukushi-shi”, 294 part-time “Kaigofukushi-shi”, 814 full-time “Home-helper” (care workers without qualification of “Kaigofukushi-shi” ), and 3981 part-time “Home helper”. To examine job stress, two-factorial ANOVAs on the three subscales of the Japanese Burnout Scale revealed two significant main effects for qualification, demonstrating that the scores were significantly higher among the “Kaigofukushi-shi” than the “Home-helper”, and for working conditions, demonstrating that the scores were significantly higher among the full-time workers than the part-time-workers, and an significant interaction effect, demonstrating that the scores were significant higher among the full-time “Kaigofukushi-shi” than the other three conditions. Several organizational characteristics, a salary level, job assignment, stressors, of “Kaigofukushi-shi” were then compared with those of “Home-helper”. The causes of stress for “Kaigofukushi-shi” were discussed.

キーワード : 介護労働, 介護福祉士, ホームヘルパー, ストレス, 日本版バーンアウト尺度
