
VDT作業が会社員の精神的健康に及ぼす影響 ―対話型作業に焦点をあてて-

石津 和子(東京大学大学院)

The purpose of this study is to investigate factors within visual display terminals (VDT as follows) work related stress reactions in a company. For this purpose, this study developed a scale named the VDT work stressor scale. Based on a result of factor analysis of 15 items, the VDT work stressor scale was found to include three subscales (the qualitative overload concerned with E-mail, the operating trouble and the excessive quantity of E-mail). As a result of multiple regression analysis, it was found that both the excessive quantity of E-mail and the qualitative overload concerned with E-mail significantly associated with mental health. These results suggested the effects of E-mailing within VDT work on mental health.

キーワード : CMC, VDT作業ストレッサー尺度, 精神的健康, 信頼性
