

須賀 知美(目白大学大学院)

庄司 正実(目白大学)

The purpose of this study was to construct an emotional labor scale for restaurant workers. In this study, emotional labor was defined as the work that is required the emotional regulation to display the desired emotions at the interaction with customers. Questionnaires were completed by 203 restaurant workers (68 males and 135 females). Factor analysis revealed that the concept of emotional labor had three subscales: “Emotional dissonance”? (14 items), “Sensitivity requirements”(11 items) and “Positive emotional display”(8 items). The scales showed satisfactory reliabilities(α>.85). Construct validities for the scales were also presented.

キーワード : 感情労働, 飲食業, 尺度作成, 信頼性, 構成概念妥当性
